How To Use Acrylic Colours for Wall Painting?

How To Use Acrylic Colours for Wall Painting?

How To Use Acrylic Colours for Wall Painting?

How To Use Acrylic Colours for Wall Painting?

Acrylic paint has gained immense popularity among artists and DIY enthusiasts due to its versatility, vibrant pigment and ease of use. If you are looking to add a touch of creativity and colour to your wall, acrylic paint can be the best choice. Want to buy paint online visit Paintkart. Paintkart provides you with the Asian paints shade card for the colour selection. 
In this blog post, we’ll guide you through using acrylic colours for wall painting, helping you create stunning, personalized artwork in your living space. So, let’s dive in! But before that let’s see what is acrylic paint. 

What is Acrylic paint – Brief introduction 

Acrylic paint is made up of defoamers, plasticizers, stabilisers, or metal soaps that are scattered inside an acrylic polymer emulsion, together with pigments contained in silicone oils. Due to its water basis, the paint dries quickly, but when it has dried on the walls, it becomes water-resistant. Acrylic paint works well as a wall colour because of how rapidly it dries. Let’s examine the different essential details concerning acrylic paint that you should be aware of.

Types of acrylic paints 

A water-based paint containing resins and other acrylic agents having few other varieties

  1. Acrylic enamel 
  2. Acrylic latex
  3. Acrylic latex enamel 

Acrylic Paint’s Key Characteristics 

The following are some essential qualities of acrylic wall paint:

  1. It is a pigment that is water soluble.
  2. It can only be used with an emulsion media for wall painting.
  3. While thick paint takes three days to dry, thin paint may dry in only 20 minutes.
  4. It is non-flammable and free of any hazardous gases or odours.
  5. Upon drying, the colouring takes on a permanent appearance.
  6. After drying, use soap and a fresh towel to wipe away any dirt.
  7. It may be readily removed off brushes, hands, etc. by washing.

How to use acrylic paint to paint walls?

Painting is an art and the wall is your canvas, you can intrinsically show your artistic skill by repainting the wall with acrylic colour paints. Filling the walls with colour will make you feel comfortable whether it’s at your house or work.
This blog is for you if you intend to apply wall paint to your home or place of work. We’ll go into great detail about how you’ll utilise acrylic paint for walls.

A Step-by-Step Guide 

Step 1 – Gather your material 

Before you begin your acrylic wall painting project, it’s essential to gather all the necessary materials. Here’s a list of items you’ll need:
Acrylic paints: Choose high-quality acrylic paints in a variety of colours that suit your desired design. You can buy paints online from Paintkart. Paintbrushes: Invest in a range of brushes with different sizes and shapes to help you achieve various textures and details.Palette: Use a palette or a plastic tray to mix your colours conveniently.Canvas or drop cloth: To protect your floor or furniture from paint spills, lay down a canvas or a drop cloth.Painter’s tape: If you plan to create straight lines or patterns, painter’s tape will be handy.Water and cloth: Keep water and a small piece of cloth nearby for cleaning your brushes and wiping off any mistakes.

Step 2 – Prepare your wall 

The most important step of wall painting is wall preparation. Your wall must be dust-free. So before painting the wall must keep in mind that you need to keep your wall ready. Wall cleaning is the first thing you should do. On the other hand, you must do a complete cleanup if you are repainting your walls. Make careful to remove all of the paint you previously painted using sanding paper. Although complete removal is fairly hard, you must do your best to minimise its presence.

Step 3 –  Clean with a wet cloth 

Also after cleaning the wall, use to wet cloth to remove the dust. It is preferable to clean the walls first before painting new ones since there may be several dust flecks adhering to them.

Step 4 – Repair any imperfection and prime the wall 

After wiping off your wall with a wet cloth, let it air dry for a while. Fill in any holes, cracks, or dents with a suitable wall filler or putty. Sand the patched areas until smooth.If you’re working on a bare wall or want to ensure better paint adhesion, apply a coat of primer. And Let it dry. The primer serves as an adhesive and will increase the durability of the acrylic paint for walls. 

Step 6 Plan and Sketch Your Design

Before you start painting, it’s beneficial to plan and sketch your design on paper or directly on the wall using a pencil or light-coloured chalk. This will give you a clear vision of your artwork and help you make any necessary adjustments before committing to a painting.

Step 7 – Mixing and Layering Colors

Acrylic paints are known for their ability to blend and create various shades. Here are some tips for mixing and layering colours:

  • Start with a basic colour palette: Begin with a few primary colours and gradually mix them to create secondary and tertiary colours as needed.
  • Experiment with blending: Acrylic paints are versatile and can be easily blended on a palette or directly on the canvas. Use a dry brush to mix colours gently, creating smooth transitions.
  • Layer for depth and texture: Allow each layer to dry before adding the next one. Layering colours can add depth and texture to your artwork.

You can refer Asian paints shade card for the choice of shade. This shade card will guide you through the different colour shades. 

Step 8 – Begin Painting

It’s time to make your design a reality now! 
Here are some pointers for painting with acrylic colours:
Start from the top: Begin painting from the top of your wall and work your way down. This prevents accidentally smudging wet paint with your hand or arm.
Use light, even strokes: Apply the paint in light, even strokes, using the appropriate brush size for different areas. Thicker brushes are suitable for larger surfaces, while smaller brushes allow for finer details.
Experiment with techniques: Acrylic paints offer various techniques, such as stippling, dry brushing, or glazing. Explore these techniques to add texture and visual interest to your artwork.
Allow each layer to dry: Depending on the thickness of your paint layers, allow them to dry. Generally thick layer took 3 days to dry whereas the thin layer dried within 20 minutes. 

Hope this blog post guides you through the process step-by-step and provides you with a good understanding of what acrylic paint is and how to use acrylic paint for walls. Now if you are looking for an online store that provides online service for paint visit PaintKart, PaintKart also provides you with Online Asian paints. You can choose a colour shade with the Asian paint shade card. 

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